Saturday, October 25, 2008

emailing your blogs

I am testing my new-found knowledge of how to add a blog entry to an already existing blog.*  After reading two pages, it seems simple enough, but until one trys something for the first time, it will always remain a mystery.
The ability to email brief entries to a blog would seem to open up a whole new way to run up the cell phone bill !
* All this information is on p.28 of Elizabeth Castro's 2005 book on Publishing a Blog with Blogger.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Locked blog

Since my original post, Oct 4, the spam police at have locked this blog--they decreed that this blog is spam.

Fortunately, they offered this author a chance to appeal, and after a few days, the tooth fairy sprinkled some pixie dust on my blog, and I am back in business.

That's all for now.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Start of this blog

I wanted to use Pipers-Place for a title (like my domain) but would you believe it is already taken. So I reverted to a 60 year old family joke.
Once I see this blog works, I will add more.
